She feels the same too...
she likes you, but
as a friend. You seemed
cool about it, but beneath
that external façade,
deep-rooted within
your inner gut, you know
you want something ‘much
more’ than that.
Truth is, your heart
longs to get past the
“friends” stage and
be that guy she
“falls for” more
than anything else...
and you're probably
shaking your head,
confused as hell and
feeling terribly unsure
on what to do to
progress to the ‘next
level’ with her.
You Feel Like You're
About To
You're falling madly
for her… you just know
she's "the one"...
the one who causes your
palms to sweat, your
heart to beat faster,
and your stomach to flip
whenever you hear her
voice, smell her
perfume, or even sense
her being nearby.
"The one".
And as your affection
for her grows stronger
by the day, so does your
feelings of insecurity …
mainly because you
couldn't tell whether or
not she felt the same
…Yet at the same time, like a jittery, scorching hot
pressure cooker dying to
blow its top, it's
tearing you apart,
more than you even care
to admit… as you become
more self-conscious and
uneasy around her,
fearing you might just
“screw things up” if
you confessed your
true feelings for her.
It's Killing
You Inside... |
You're constantly guessing...
What if you finally
decide to 'bite the
bullet' and pour it
all out; revealing how you truly
feel for her, and as
you're asking her to be your
the only words that
could come out of her
shaky voice was…
"l... I... like you...
but... can we just stay
as friends?"
Your heart will shatter to
pieces… your world,
crumbling before your
very own eyes…
like a TON of
bricks has fallen over
your head… pounding
mercilessly on your
already weakened knees
and shoulders.
embarrassment, the
depression and the
PAIN you'll feel....
AWKWARD it'll be for
her then?
You obviously
DON'T want that to
happen as
Friendship Will NEVER Be The Same
Again... |
Turning a friend into a
girlfriend is an
FRAGILE situation, one wrong move and you’re
finished. She might feel weird, make excuses
that she's "busy" and
end up NEVER
calling you again.
On the flipside, it's
not easy being friends
with her either...
How many times has she
complained about how
lonely she is...
while you're sitting
right there in front of
her, wishing you
could have her?
It's no different
from her stabbing a
knife right into your
heart every
single time
she does that, sure I
know it hurts...
like crazy.
there before too!
At the same time, have you ever
Why is it that women liked hanging out with you, but
none of them
wanted to sleep with
Why do the women you really liked always end up
together with someone
else EXCEPT you...
Why do they have sex
with jerks who didn't
even care about them,
when they could be with
someone who loves her,
understands her better
than anyone else and
would do just about
for her,
like you?
Has Any
Of These Happened To You Before... |
You’ve recently met a girl
you liked, but:
Your conversations
were normally too bland and boring, and you
wanted to
change the vibe of the
interaction and make her WANT you
You felt like throwing in the towel and giving up because it
seems like NOTHING you do will
and you should just accept it?
You became too self-
conscious and “wooden” when you're with her...
the point where you can't communicate like you
normally would?
You did everything in
your power to make her happy and please her,
yet she feels NOTHING and keeps talking about
OTHER guys except you…
Now, if you answered
“YES!” to any of these questions, then...
I Implore
You And I URGE You
NOT To Do Any Of These... |
Unfortunately, the
things guys normally try
to do to ‘convince’
a woman to like him back
actually end up pushing
her further away... even
though it
seems like the
right thing to do at the
Be honest with me, have
YOU tried
any of the following to get your
girl to like you back?:
Trying to
reason and persuade why she
should open up her heart and
accept you? |
These are the
mistakes guys do… because out in the REAL WORLD, not only are
but it'll flat out REPEL
her further away making it less likely she’ll
EVER feel the same way for you!
In other words, these things that "should"
work, DIDN'T work and will NEVER work!
Why is it that some men can just ‘get’ the women
they want just like ‘that’… while most guys
never seem to have any success with
women... however
hard they tried?
And more importantly, what are the ‘secrets’ to
triggering the inner “spark” in a woman so that she
feels it for YOU?
I’m glad you asked. It’s an unfair world out
there, and due to the unforgiving,
unsympathetic realities of the courting process, I
want to make it perfectly clear that if a woman
isn't ATTRACTED to you, all your feeble attempts to
confess your love, convince her to like you, and
court her will blow up in
your face,
regardless of whether she’s a long time friend or
just someone you’ve recently met.
Similarly, if you do something to let a ‘friend’
know how you feel... but she isn't ATTRACTED to you
in the first place, she WILL run… and
turn back.
Now, Before We Get Started There’s Something
Very Important That You Need To See...
It's a report that outlines the 7 things you must know about
turning a friend into a girlfriend. Simply enter your First name and Email address below, click on the 'Send My Report' button, and it will arrive in your inbox when you're done reading this letter:
* Your privacy is guaranteed. Your personal information will not be shared with anyone else.
Difference Between Guys Who Normally
Gets The Girl… And Those That Gets
Their Hearts Ripped Out
Every Single Time They Tried…
Why is it that some men just seem to be surrounded
by women who want to be with them all the time…
while most
guys have NONE at all?
I asked myself that very same question every single
day back during "the days" when I was still
learning to become better with women; of course, I
was DYING to know what the “secret
sauce”, that magical ‘ingredient’ was too!
And that's exactly why
for the past 7 years, I’ve practically been spending
life hanging out, interviewing, studying and closely
OBSERVING guys who are “naturally successful”
I was humbled, over-awed
and AMAZED with what I saw,
anything I'd expected it to be!
I mean, these guys were pretty much your average
everyday Joes, like you and me, yet the one key
element that differentiates them from the pack is
their uncanny ability to understand “female
language”; the mystical ‘code language’
that only women understands.
And now they’ve used that very SAME knowledge in
every situation they found themselves in with women
they want.
What’s most fascinating about it all is
the fact that
These Are
Things That Make NO SENSE
AT ALL On The Surface… |
… but for some funny reason seem to work every
single time with women!
In other words, it was more than just knowing what
to do in each situation...
It was also knowing how things worked which gave
them a kind of POWER that just wasn’t available to
guys who haven't taken the time to learn about it.
Which is the more reason why you must...
Banging Your Head On The Wall… |
You can't just "make” a woman “like you" or
how she feels about you" by doing nice things, and trying to
reason her into it…
Buying her gifts, being extra “nice” and
‘being there for her’ ain’t gonna cut it either.
Women don't suddenly wake up one day, make a
logical, conscious decision and say
"Hey, he
seems like a caring, sweet, nice man, I think it's
time I fall in love with him.”
She won’t suddenly ‘decide’ she wants to be
attracted to you. A woman is either attracted to you
or she’s not...
it just happens!
So How Do
You “Make” A Woman To Feel Those
Feelings For You? |
You’ve seen it before, guys who barely have enough
money to get by in life, looking no different than
the average guy on the street… but for whatever
reason, they just know exactly what to say and do
to turn a woman on.
You WANT to be that guy, and the first and most
important step is for you to put everything you may
“think” you know about women behind you, open up
your mind and…
Think in a different
Act in a different way
... And start
communicating in a different way.
The missing link within any ‘fire-less’ male-female
relationship lies in the absence of SEXUAL
COMMUNICATION. The art of “sexy communication”,
sexual flirting, and teasing by itself forms a
part within the secret language of ATTRACTION.
Unfortunately men RARELY get
it, and it’s no wonder why over 99.97% of the male
population out there are practically
At A Woman To Reject Them
Before They Even Open Their Mouths!
At the same time, it also requires a
understanding of female psychology; how they think,
behave, act the way they do and knowing what they’re
essentially looking for but in many instances will
never tell a man.
It's a SKILL, and I honestly believe that
ANY man can learn it if he wants to.
...And trust me, my bet is that you’re NEVER likely
to be able to figure it out by "trial and error" since
most if
not ALL the keys to making a woman feel ATTRACTION
aren't "visible" at all!
Now, I’ve never publicly revealed any of this
before, but about 2 years ago, I began inviting
random clients of mine to participate in a
secret test experiment...
The program (called the Advanced F2G Program)
was about giving them one-on-one support, consulting
and a specific roadmap to turning their ‘friend’
into a ‘girlfriend’ with professionally
supervised exercises, field work, and personal
The results were staggering, back then, it
was responsible for helping HUNDREDS
of "regular Joes" to land the girl of their
dreams, needless to say, it has worked
splendidly for them…
And Now I
Want To Show YOU How To Do
The Same… |
Mind you, this isn't a guess about what might work.
This guideline has proven to be the steps that will
be most effective in RADICALLY evoking powerful,
logic defying emotions of ATTRACTION in a woman for
you, and fully restoring any mistakes that you
have done before this!
It addresses a wide variety of REAL-LIFE
situations and circumstances and it WILL remove all
barriers to turning her to be your girlfriend.
Why You
Are Unlikely To Get This
Information Anywhere Else… |
As successful as the Program became, as word about its effectiveness began to
spread, I found myself desperately gasping to cope
with the frenzied demand
to the point where I had to reject and turn clients
Yet at the same time, it kills me to turn such well-meaning guys out
the door each time and that’s when I finally decided
to take that exact same information and created a
full-blown MAMMOTH Video Program called...
To Girlfriend Secrets... Revealed!"
That way, NOBODY will be left out...
It outlines everything you need to know... in the
same depth in which I run through with my premium
clients… it's exactly what I would say to you if we
were talking to each other face-to-face.
It contains a clear, actionable, step-by-step
plan to follow FROM START TO ‘FINISH’... and
best of all, there’s absolutely NO guesswork
on your part as you’ll be shown precisely what to
say and do in order to encourage the change of heart
that will bring the two of you together.
It's based, not only on my experience, but also on
the years of PROVEN scientific research of
the nation’s top psychologists on relationships and
female behavior. I’ve aggressively pursued & dedicated YEARS of my
life studying just about everything available on the
topic… and I’m pretty darn sure that what you’ll be
learning isn't discussed ANYWHERE else.
Barely Believe Your Own Eyes... |
Here is a very small sample of the breakthrough techniques you'll learn in this program:
Where to start:
The blueprint and step-by-step action plan for
turning a friend into a girlfriend and her to
choose YOU over any other guy that tries to
compete for her attention.
- The 7 proven ways you can "say it
without saying it". If you're afraid
that you might "screw it up", these steps will
give her the message loud and clear, and you'll
see how she'll melt when you have struck
a chord right where it gets to her most...
her heart.
A “never before
revealed” 6-step surefire plan to secretly
amplify and maximize the attraction that a woman
feels for you... without her realizing
what’s going on until it’s too late
technique works so well, she’ll be the one
losing sleep and wondering how she could fall
for you in the first place!)
stripped down explanation on the main
reasons how and why women put men
in the “Friend Zone”
An ingenious
action plan to jump out of the
“friend” category and smoothly transition
into an irresistible, charming man she finds
sexually attractive.
How to subconsciously
shift a woman’s attraction to YOU and make
her want YOU even if she’s ALREADY attracted
or going “dreamy eyed” over another guy
A powerful 4-step
simple technique on how to turn ANYONE
to be your girlfriend
(whether she’s a
distant friend, your work colleague, your
sister’s friend or your next-door neighbor… it
does not matter!)
A proven methodology
of the things you can do RIGHT NOW to GUARANTEE
a woman will be attracted to you when you spend
time with her... without going overboard or
looking like you’re trying too hard!
3 proven
techniques on exactly when and how to go for
that crucial first kiss
with a woman... one that she will remember FOR
How to
use the little-known "POI" triangle technique to
leverage on HER friends to "sell" YOURSELF to
her with little or NO effort on your part
(this one trick alone is worth the price of
the entire program!)
- The 5 biggest
mistake guys make to KILL their chances of being
seen as “relationship material” with a woman
at the VERY BEGINNING and end up helpless as her
‘friend’ (here you’ll learn exactly how to
OVERCOME it and make her want YOU as her
- An ingenious 5-step "date formula” that
GUARANTEES a woman a sensual, "sexy" time
with you (Most guys mess this up and never
end up seeing the girl again…)
- ... and that's
just starters!
Unparalleled "Friend To Girlfriend"
Techniques That Are So Effective, They
Should Be ILLEGAL.
Lock your doors, password protect your PC and guard
it with your life as you’ll uncover unusually "sneaky" rare golden nuggets that
practically NO ONE talks about like:
scripts on exactly what to say when you're asking her to be your
girlfriend that makes her feel so on
"top-of-the-world", it virtually makes it
impossible for her to say no!
The 6 "magic" words you MUST say if she says
"no" that will shock her, get her to
re-think, change her mind and start
"feeling it" for you
How to keep more of your
personal power... instead of
giving it away to her (as
most men do especially when
their super "into" a woman)
to make a woman suddenly want something so bad
(you) when she never had the slightest
inkling to do so in the past? (This is
usually the determining factor in most
successful friend-to-lover "turns")
How to NOT let a woman's "test"
shake and control your actions
so you can eliminate her influence
and be a guy she respects and falls madly for!How to get a woman
to see you as a “sexual being” instead of “just
a friend” the moment she first meets you.
You’ll uncover a little known powerful technique
to press her dormant “sexual triggers” and build
up that sexual tension within minutes of meeting
Jealousy Amplifier
Method: You’ll learn how to leverage on one of
the most underutilized techniques to
ethically ‘force’ a woman to “show her cards”
and reveal her true inner feelings for you
(Often times, women won’t even know it when
they’re attracted to you. Here you’re
capitalizing on reverse-psychology to jumpstart
her feelings for you if she’s had any feelings
for you at all!)
Social Proofing
Accelerator: How to “turn the tables” and get
HER to do ALL the work and chase you by
leveraging on OTHER women.
The 4 proven
fail-proof ways to effectively flirt and ‘tease’
women who are ALREADY your friends.
(Everyone tells you that it’s next to impossible
to spark feelings of ‘attraction’
with friends, but truth is, attraction can
be sparked in ANY woman… whoever they might be.
When you discover how to TEASE and FLIRT with
women the RIGHT way, it can create such momentum,
the rest of the process takes on a life of its
The unconscious
habit pattern women use to immediately
categorize men (It has nothing to do with
the size of your wallet, height or even good
looks… and when you know how it works and how to
‘leverage’ on it, women will AUTOMATICALLY place
you at the top of their “dating potentials” list
The 7 underlying
“rules” of attraction and how to subtly use
them to give a woman the “I’ve got to have him”
feeling she only gets when she has finally
met ‘the one’. (The amazing thing about this is
how you’ll get to stir up those emotions without
her REALIZING it before it’s too late!)
A smooth, crafty way
to up a notch and go ‘all the way’ to get her
be your ‘girl’ WITHOUT ever having to risk the
‘friendship’ and lose her as a friend (not
adhering to this principle is friendship
… PLUS much
Most of my “dating guru”
friends (made up of the world’s best) I showed it to
agree that it's...
The Most Cutting Edge System
They've Ever Seen.... |
Needless to say, we were BLOWN AWAY by their initial
enthusiasm, so we tested it further on a handful of
other "regular blokes" to make sure it was
easy enough to implement.
Breakthrough Program Is Still New... Yet Look At The PROOF
And Inspiring "Success Stories"
It Has ALREADY Produced!
**(Customer Initials Used For Privacy
Reasons)** |
Turning a long time friend into
a girlfriend? Come on… Like many
others, I’ve accepted the fact
that once a girl has placed me
“the zone”, that’s it. I’ll stay
there forever.
But I enrolled into your
coaching program anyway taking you on on your money
back guarantee if it's shit. I'm a skeptic, I admit.
But I'm the type who gives
credit where it's due and the first 15 minutes
listening to you, the stuff you said resonated with
me, because I began to see the many things I did
wrong that made her see me that way, as a friend and
nothing more.
It was uncomfortable for me
listening to it mainly because it struck a chord in
me with the
many observations you made.
Hesitant still, I tried the
first trick, it seemed to work.
Then I tried the next, and she
seemed to respond even further.
Well, as I’m sitting down
writing this email, Jenny (not
her real name) who has been best
friends with me for the past 2
and the half years is now
OFFICIALLY my girlfriend!
I take my words back. I couldn’t
be any happier. Thanks so much!
I'm now a BELIEVER!
Christopher J
Connecticut, US
Hey Simon,
Your personal coaching has
provided me a ton of COOL tips
and tricks. I have
bought all your programs and
it’s amazing
how you came about figuring all
these stuff out.
This friend to
girlfriend program is
by far one of your BEST. For as
long as I can remember, I’ve
always had a crush on my
childhood sweetheart. We’ve
known each other since we were
kids. She has rejected me once
when I confessed my feelings to
her when I was 16 and dared not
to go any further for the fear
of losing the friendship we had.
I’m 21 this year, and after
going through your stuff, I
picked myself up and decided to
give it a go one last time.
We’re now officially an “ITEM”!!!
Woooo babyyyyyy!!!
And I’d like to take this
opportunity to thank you for
everything you’ve done. She's
MORE than anything I could ever
dream and ask for!! Thanks sooooooooooooooooo much!
Anthony A
Arizona, US
Been a loyal follower of yours
for the past 2 years, have all
your programs but I’ve got to
say this one’s the one I’ve been
waiting for sooo long!! Dude you
should’ve released this ages
ago! I’m starting to doubt
whether you’re actually a girl
because all your teachings seem
to be bloody spot on! lol.
Seriously I’ve shown one your
Approaching Course to my
girl friends and they were like
“Where’d you get this??”
Anyway I’m putting your
materials into good use on a
friend I have a crush on and
it’s crazyyy… no she’s not my
girlfriend yet but she IS
starting to flirt with me BIG
TIME! She’s constantly
suggesting we hang out alone,
she’s acting extra girly when
I’m around. There was once we
were ‘this’ close to kissing!
But I followed your advice,
teased her even further and
quickly withdrawn myself. You should’ve seen her
reaction!! She got pissed and
stormed out of the room!
Bear in mind she’s pretty hot
and have loads of guys after
her, I thought I blew my chances
then but amazingly, SHE called
me to apologize for what she did and she’s been
calling me ever since! This
NEVER happened in the past it’s
soo evil, it's not even funny
anymore lol.. I’ll
keep you updated on the progress
ok? Thanks so much Simon. This
program of yours is sooo cool!
Zenaz P, Milwaukee
Hi Simon,
You know you’re good so I'll
skip that. There’s a girl in my
group I was introduced recently,
I don’t really know her that
well, but I do know most of the
guys are gunning for her. I like
her too maybe cos she’s HOT?
Anyway, first time she talked to
me, I just told her “You look
weird with that make-up” (like u
said), it was something I NEVER
dared say to girl. I thought
she’d get pissed,
turns out she stayed longer, and
kept interrogating and explaining
herself to me.
I just stared at her, rolled
my eyes, teased
her with “Why are you sitting
her, I only have space for one”
You should’ve seen her reaction!
She was really sucking in the
We were messing around like
we’ve known each other for
years! That was how I got to
know her, well, the details will probably be 9 pages long but
basically I just kept testing
the ideas in your program as I was going after her,
and right now… she’s MY GIRL!
DUDDDE!!! Thanks a
bunch dude. Your program rocks!
Mike V, Phuket, Thailand
Hi who would’ve thought it was
even possible… I didn’t!! But you’ve proved me VERY wrong. This is the first time
I’m buying your stuff and if
it’s this good, I can’t wait to
get my hands on your other
stuff. Excellent content and I
can’t recommend it any better to
anyone who’s interested to
getting it.
Your personal-rebranding
technique, that’s the one that
made ALL the difference, it was
A HUGE risk for me to take, in
fact, I was scared to use it,
“What if she walked away and
never come back?”
The moment she first saw me
after I disappeared from her
life, her first reaction was
“what happened to you?
Something's missing?” I could
see that she was disappointed.
She didn’t really liked the new
me, there was a lot of tension,
I could sense. But I just kept
at it. And then after 2 weeks,
one night she just called me and
asked whether she could come
over. She did, it was awkward,
she just stood there, without
saying anything. That’s when I
just grabbed her hand and went
“I WANT you NOW". I was scared
shit but stayed cool. But then came her smile… it was
the SWEETEST ever!”
Honestly, I’d have to say the
entire process of ‘getting’
attraction, ‘re-branding’ and
coming back strong took me
almost 2 and the half months, it
took a lot of practice, but ever
since we’re together as a COUPLE
now, it was soo worth the
I could never have been happier,
thanks to you, SIMON HEONG. Keep up the good
work man!
Warren Y, Perth, Australia
Why Risk Losing Her
On “Trial And
Error”? |
I know that this sounds a little "hard to believe",
but the undeniable “success stories” and results for
those who have used it don’t lie. I admit, they
are unusual and they are contrarian but they are
also universally applicable to any “dead-duck”
impossible situation you are in right now. Here
are just a couple:
- How to sneakily add in the 3 most
powerful 'bad boy' elements into your
personality - “unpredictability”, “excitement”
and "charm" (Follow these simple steps
and you’ll never have to worry about her losing
interest in you… or losing her to another man)
- How to turn any usual "everyday" friendly
talk into a steamy erotic encounter
that turns a woman on that makes you appear
more desirable than any other man in she's
ever been with! (This will help you advance
things with a woman TWICE as fast)
How to find and identify
your own limiting or inaccurate beliefs about
yourself and women... and how to turn them
into useful beliefs that will help you GET her
Every single thing you do or
say can either increase or decrease
attraction... learn how to turn this to
your advantage and make the
most out of every communication, action,
gesture, and situation with her
- How to completely
‘transform’ your entire image in her mind from
being a ‘safe’, non-threatening, ‘friend’ into
that of a ‘sexy’, ‘manly’ and ‘in-demand"
MAN women can’t seem to get ‘enough’ of (They might have only treated you as ‘a
friend’ for as long as they can remember – but
when you use this on them, they’ll see you in a
TOTALLY new light; someone who’s too
irresistibly charming to just brush off and pass
- How to be
independent in a relationship in a way that
makes a woman more attracted to you instead of
scaring her off
- A voodoo mind-trick
technique to reprogram her mind to constantly
picture romantic images of the both of you
together as an intimate couple (Get ready to
jot down notes as this technique is the ‘bridge’
that helps push you out from the friend right
into the ‘lover’ zone)
- The 5 things you must
NEVER do in front of a woman you want to be
‘together’ with. These are the BIGGEST NO-NOs
that puts women off and lets them know INSTANTLY
that you’re not “lover/relationship material”
- A new trick you can
use when a woman is “closed off” that gets
her to open up to you and makes her grateful
for the opportunity to be with you
- Do you know what’s the
most important element in creating emotional
connection with a woman? It's called compassion. You'll discover the rare and
sought after formula to make her silently
thanking her lucky stars and screaming "Oh my
God! We’re connecting at so many levels… This
guy knows exactly how I feel!"
- Exactly what to do
when she has ALREADY told you she ONLY wants to
stay as friends. You’ll uncover a surefire
action plan to completely “undo” and erase any
mistakes you’ve made before and get back on the
RIGHT-TRACK into turning her into a lover).
- Over 9 LOUD AND
CLEAR GREEN LIGHT Signals of Interest women send
out that they want you more than just a friend
and to make the first move more as a friend (Once you’re 90% sure she wants you more than
just a friend, you can mess with her mind even
further to the point SHE’LL be the one who’ll
ask YOU to be her boyfriend)
- ... and a whole
lot more!
Obviously there's
A LOT of information jam-packed
into it, but
it gets even better!
Modules Worth
$296.80 (Yours
FREE No Matter What You Decide!) |
In order to BULLETPROOF your
success in turning her over, I’ve prepared even more
additional “complementary” materials to DIRECTLY
assist you for the perfect ‘close’. Here’s the deal:
When you invest in this Video Program by
you'll also get FIVE companion Modules that
Module #1: |
"Transitioning: How To Turn A Woman On And Go
From Just Friends To The Bedroom" -- (Value:$59.95)
booklet will show you a step-by-step
action plan on how to bring out the
‘animal’ within any woman however
"closed off" or "reserved"
she may seem to be... and it’s
WAY easier that most guys think!
you're "smooth", women will
BRAG about
how 'good' you are to their
friends and they will LOVE you for it! You’ll
A proven plan
for EACH of the 4 crucial moments
when a woman decides whether or not
to reject a man’s advances
The 4
silent motivators that cause instant
sexual arousal in a woman (and
it does not include any form of
hogwash-y NLP and sneaky mind-tricks
to do it)
The fastest and most
natural way to break the “touch” barrier
and pave your way to getting physical with a
woman (This trick is so ‘under the
radar’, she won’t even know of your
intentions until it’s too late!)
How to build
anticipation so strong to the point where
she’ll literally be DYING to tear your
clothes off the moment you’re both alone
The 2 sentences you
MUST SAY for her to respond with a
resounding “YES!” and take off her
clothes when you want to make out and move
on to sex with her
How to
‘accidentally’ challenge a woman, “turn the
tables” and get HER to initiate sex by
saying this 5 magical words
... and much more!
Module #2: |
To Steal Anyone’s Girlfriend, Sneak Into Her
Heart And Make Her Yours!"
(Worth $49.95) |
We’ve all been
there before. Meeting and falling deeply
in love with a woman… only to
find out she has a boyfriend!
The tactics
you’ll uncover here are LETHAL, but
PLEASE promise me NOT to use
it unless you have no other choice!
I'll be frank... “What goes around,
comes around,” that’s my principle,
so don’t say I didn’t warn you.
being said, here you’ll learn:
to sneakily go undercover, be there for her
and powerfully bond with her like no other,
whilst slowly drawing her into your realm,
even when she’s someone else’s girl.
There are ONLY 2 decisive factors that
will divert her attention away from her
relationship and consider you as her
“knight in shining armor” and fall for you
(You’ll find out exactly what, why and how
this works here)
6-step action plan to alienate,
create doubt and mercilessly "destroy"
her boyfriend/husband/fiancé (it works on
all 3!) behind his back and win her
to smoke her out and
call on her bluff when a woman uses
the "I'm taken" line to shoo guys their
not interested in away.
... and a bunch more!
Module #3: |
"The Essence Of Cool-Ness: How To Behave Around
Women & Send Magnetic Alpha Masculinity Signals
That Oozes Sex Appeal” — (Worth $39.95) |
The moment
you know how to ‘brand’ your self-image
to a point where EVERYTHING about you is
deemed “cool”, women will naturally want
to be around you because they
enjoy your company, and nothing else.
When women
think you’re “cool”, THEY’LL
be the ones who will vainly show YOU
off. And the best part about this
is, you can say and do virtually
ANYTHING you want and they will
look up to you as the MAN and treat you
as ‘the prize’.
I'm talking
about little-known nuggets on: |
How to easily
avoid letting the emotions you feel when
you meet a
woman cause you to make stupid mistakes that
‘scares’ her away
Broken down and explained: The 5 essential
traits of
what ‘cool-ness’ is
and how it naturally works to create an
aura of trust, comfort, and humility in a
women you are REALLY interested in
seem to LOSE interest in you after a few
How to
conquer youremotional energy and give
yourself the ability to turn any
uncomfortable feeling into positive energy
that motivates you to succeed
How to behave around
women and use ‘alpha’ body language to make
up for a lack of “interesting things to talk
about”… that makes a woman feel
attraction for you without any form
of conversation
.. .
and many more!
Module #4 (CD Audio Coaching): |
"David Wygant: America's Most Quoted Dating
Expert -- Reveals HIS Friend To Girlfriend
Secrets" --
(Worth $49.95) |
Over the
course of his career, David has been
featured as a dating expert on over 2000
radio shows.
David has appeared on E, Dateline, ABC
News, CBS Good Morning, Inside Edition,
MTV, Fox News, The Learning
Channel, BBC, Blind Date and many
In print, he has been featured in
over 200 national publications such as Maxim,
Men's Health, |
Cosmopolitan, The Los
Angeles Times, The Chicago Daily
Herald, The Boston Globe, The Philadelphia Enquirer,
New York Magazine and Marie Claire Magazine.
he's the BEST there is, and it wasn't easy to
get him to commit to this because of his
heavy-duty celebrity schedule (BUT I
DID... yeah babyyy!),
and here in this CD recording, he
reveals his own proven techniques to turning a
long time friend into a girlfriend...
LIFETIME Updates to the Friend To
Girlfriend Program (Value: At LEAST $97.00) |
When new editions of the program are released, you
will receive all the updates absolutely free. That
is one of the awesome benefits of digitally produced
information. If a new edition of a hard copy book or
CD is released, you have to go to the bookstore or and buy it all over again!
Not so with
I'll be
continuously updating, refining
this program as and when I uncover the
latest discoveries on this topic
and |
whenever a new, updated
edition of the Friend To Girlfriend Secrets is
released, you'll get it all... for FREE!
It's easy - I will simply contact
you through my private clients-only newsletter and
send you instant download instructions so you can
stay totally up to date on the latest friend to
I'll Bet By
Now You're "Worrying" About The Price... |
Let me ask you
this: What if this knowledge helps you
finally nail that one girl you've
always wanted, but have never been
able to get
and save
you weeks, months or even YEARS of time and
would that be worth to you?
A thousand
dollars? Ten thousand? More? For most men I
know, it would be priceless.
Just the POSSIBILITY of having this kind of success
with her would be worth the investment.
Luckily for you,
I'm not even going to charge you anywhere NEAR that
amount. Because I want as many men as possible to
get the benefits of this program,
your investment today is only a one time
rock-bottom price of $250
That’s not just a fair deal, it’s an
incredible deal! And I can just about
guarantee you’re never going to see a value like
this again. In the not too distant future, this
program will only be available as part of an ‘inner
circle’ membership/mentoring package which will cost
at least $250.00.
***Early Bird Special Offer***:
As of
the introductory promotion price of
only $250 $67 still
stands. But I can't promise it’ll
remain tomorrow... Or even a few
hours from now... So don't hesitate.
Click here to take advantage and
lock yourself in the discounted
price now...
You’ll have an answer for every situation… and also
know exactly how to TRANSFORM yourself to reach
your fullest potential.
You’re probably starting to see how the little things
can make a BIG difference in the results you get
with women… and that YOU have control over your own
“No One’s
Going To Help You Get Her...”
Not her friends, not your friends, and
I believe you’re not so NAĎVE that if the two of you were “meant to
be”, someday, everything will magically fall
into place, the stars will align, and you’ll eventually end up together.
Unfortunately, that only happens in fairy tales, romance books and
prime time made-for-tv soap operas... In the REAL
WORLD, if you want your girl, you’ve got to step
forward and do WHATEVER IT TAKES to
“win her heart”
fast BEFORE anyone else comes along and
“steals” her
away from your fingertips.
Simply put, it all boils down to
You only have ONE CHANCE to do it right, and that’s
precisely what ‘Friend To Girlfriend Secrets’ is
going to do;
it’ll show you how to skip all
of the mistakes and blunders and start to turn her
into YOUR girlfriend… IMMEDIATELY.
You Will Get
Look... I don't want you to feel like
you have to decide "now."
So instead, I'm inviting you to lock
yourself in at the discounted early bird
Scrutinize the
program closely. Examine it. ...
and then take the
next 60 DAYS
to test it out
on women you're eye-ing for. |
If you're not
getting the results that I've just said,
or if for any
reason you're not thrilled with your
whole package, simply email me to let me
know and I'll immediately give you a complete refund of all monies
you've paid.
... I literally take ALL of the risk for
you because that's how much I believe in
this program.
I really do.
The worst that can
happen is you get to put these
techniques to
work for you for two full months, and still walk
away with ALL the FIVE special bonuses I’ve
thrown in... FREE!
What could
possibly be better than that?
It’s Time For
Her To Be YOUR
Girl… |
Listen, this program is the first and ONLY
of it's kind.
You simply cannot find this anywhere else in the
world... and I want you to be the FIRST
to get your hands on them.
you’re sick and tired of seeing the “love of your
life” falling head over heels for every other guy
that comes into her life but NOT you...
If you’re sick and tired of constantly being
overshadowed and left in the dark by OTHER men;
seeing them have the time of their lives with YOUR
favorite girl… whilst you’re home alone fooling
yourself, fantasizing “romantic” dreams with
her and giving Mr Palm the same usual ‘workout’…
If you truly love her, want her and will do just
about ANYTHING to be together with her…
is where the rubber meets the road. This program
will give you a step-by-step action plan to do
exactly just that…
Go right ahead and
click here to watch your videos now...
(You will receive your download instructions
immediately, plus all FIVE Super Bonuses valued at
$296.80 -- but yours FREE!)
To your success,

Simon H
David K
P.S - If you’re even remotely interested in
learning the truth about turning that one girl
to be YOUR
girlfriend, then you owe it to yourself to at least
try this amazing program. If it's
not for you, I'll understand. Frankly, this program
isn’t for everyone. It’s designed specifically
for guys who are serious in making things happen.
It’s for DOERS, not “dreamers”.
If you're one of those
special people - one of the top 2% who are ready to
make the commitment and willing to put forth the effort
- then come on board with me and
watch these videos
now, because "just thinking about it" never
led anyone to getting the girl of their dreams.
P.P.S - If you
don’t take any action now, what's possibly going to
be different tomorrow? That’s right. If you
do nothing then NOTHING will change. Tomorrow will
be like today, and like the day before that. Don't
let that happen to you. The opportunity for you to
get YOUR girl is staring at your face.
This might just be the
missing link in your quest for getting her,
so what are you waiting for?
P.P.P.S - Bottom
line’s this… This program contains EXACTLY what you
need to nail that one girl you've always wanted, and I
guarantee it will work for you as it has for so many
other men. Anytime within the next 60 days, if you
don't like it (for any reason at all), just email me,
I'll give you a full no-questions refund and you
still get to keep all the 5 bonuses
worth $296.80 FREE for just giving it a try…
Now who's taking all the